Rest Assured Course
- 1 What is Postman and Collection,Request in Postman
- 2 Understanding GET,POST,PUT and DELETE request in Postman
- 3 Response Verification & Validation
- 4 What are Variables and variable types in Postman
- 5 Collections Import,Export and integration with Jenkins
- 6 Perform Portability Test using POSTMAN
- 1 Setting up Java Project and related dependencies
- 2 Get-POST-PUT-DELETE Requests Automation
- 3 Request validations in single java method
- 4 Request validations in multple java method
- 1 Diving in Depth-Automating REST API's
- 2 REST API Basics and Terminology
- 3 What is an API
- 4 Introduction to URI, URN, URL, Endpoint, Resource
- 5 What are web services
- 6 Difference between an API and WebServices
- 7 Some examples of Real-Time APIs
- 8 Some examples of Real-Time Webservices
- 9 Introduction to Client-Server Architecture in REST
- 10 Key Terminologies in REST
- 11 Introduction to Status Code, Status Line, Status Message in REST
- 12 Introduction to API Testing Tools
- 13 Difference between GUI Testing, API Testing, Web Services Testing
- 14 REST API Basics & Terminology
- 1 Practical usage of RealTime API’s, Fake API’s
- 2 Customer API
- 3 Users API
- 4 Posts API
- 5 Comments API
- 1 Validating Request and Response Headers
- 2 How to Validate Status Code, Status Line, Status Message, Response Time,Response Body
- 3 How to perform Authorization request using RestAssured Java
- 1 JSON Response Validation
- 2 XML Response Validation
- 1 RealWorld Example of Automating JIRA API’s
- 2 RealWorld Example of Automating Twitter API’s
- 3 Auth Based REST Automation using RestAssured Java
- 1 Framework Phase 1- Maven- Build Management tool
- 2 Automation Utilities for Parsing the Json/XML responses
- 3 Automating Utilities for Parsing the JSON/XML response
- 4 How to validate JSON Response for a REST API Request
- 5 How to validate if the response is of XML Type or JSON Type
- 1 Introduction to Maven - Java Build Tool, Architecture
- 2 Maven Build Life Cycle
- 3 Setting up Maven Project using pom.xml
- 4 Maven Project Execution from Command Line
- 5 Maven Project Execution from Jenkins
- 1 Introduction to TestNG
- 2 Annotations in TestNG
- 3 TestNG Keywords
- 4 Testcase Execution in TestNG
- 5 Setting up Smoke, Integration, Regression Test Suites using TestNG
- 6 Dependency relationship between pom.xml and testng.xml
- 7 Dependency Relationship between pom.xml and testng.xml
- 1 Setting up LOG4j in Maven Project
- 2 Capturing API Testing Logs using Log4j
- 3 Capturing Logs on Console & File
- 1 Core Java basics
- 2 Framework Phase 2- Jenkins- Continuous Integration Tool
- 3 Framework Phase 2
- 4 Introduction to CICD Tool Jenkins
- 5 How to Execute Maven Project from Command Line
- 6 How to Execute Maven Project from CICD tool Jenkins
- 7 Installing Java
- 8 Installing Eclipse
- 9 Datatypes
- 10 Variables
- 11 Methods
- 12 String class and functions
- 13 Conditional Statements
- 14 Loops
- 15 Basic OOPS Concepts
- 16 Arrays
- 17 Collections