BluePrism Course
- 1 RPA Demo & BP Demo
- 1 Process & Obect
- 2 Difference between Pocess and object
- 3 Working with Object
- 4 Intialize,Clean, Action
- 5 Data Items
- 6 Calculations
- 7 Decision Calculations
- 8 Anchor stage
- 9 MultiCalculations
- 1 Collections
- 2 Create Collections
- 3 Excel to Collections
- 4 How to write Loops
- 1 Choice
- 2 Choice with Collections
- 3 Choice with excel applications
- 4 Page stage
- 1 Application Modular
- 2 Identification of objects/Match type/Match index/Ordinal idetifier/Id/Name
- 3 Read data from webapplications
- 4 Working with windows applications
- 1 Surface automation
- 2 Write data into application
- 1 Process studio
- 2 call Object studio in process studio
- 3 control system deployment process
- 1 WorkQueue
- 1 Exceptions
- 2 Exception bubbling
- 1 IN/Out Parameter Passing
- 2 Session variables
- 3 Environment locking
- 1 Email Automation
- 2 POP3
- 1 Credential Manager
- 2 User, Role Management
- 3 Log Mangement
- 1 Release Management
- 2 Alert Management
- 3 Resource Management
- 1 code stage
- 2 Break Point
- 1 Environment variables
- 2 Schedule Management
- 3 Run Modes
- 1 PDF Automation
- 1 Get values from appliction to collections
- 2 Working with NotePad
- 1 Conneting SQL Data base and theoretical expalnation
- 1 Resume PreParation
- 2 Interview questions