Appium Course
- 1 Packages and Classes
- 2 Decision making ability through JAVA
- 3 Basic OOPS Concepts
- 4 Exception Handling
- 5 Access Modifiers
- 6 String Class
- 7 Inheritance in Java
- 8 Collection Framework
- 1 Appium Internal Architecture
- 2 Appium Features
- 1 Downloading Java and configuring Eclipse
- 2 Downloading and Setting up Appium Server
- 3 Downlaoading and Setting up Android Studio for Emulators
- 4 Desired Capabilities
- 5 Setting up the Desired Capabilities to understand particular app
- 6 Understanding App Package and App activity
- 7 Understanding Appium Server log
- 8 What is Xcode? Install Xcode
- 9 Validating IOS Simulator and Downloading Java
- 10 Installing Eclipse IDE for MAC
- 1 First Hands on for Appium
- 2 Appium First Test Script
- 1 Locating Mobile Objects
- 2 Locating Mobile Objects through UI Automator Viewer
- 3 Use of Different Locators(ID,ClassName,Package)
- 4 Identifying Elements through Xpath
- 5 Identifying Elements through Android UI Automator
- 1 Tap,Scroll,Long Press,Touch and Swipe Actions in Appium
- 2 Click,send keys in Selenium
- 3 Java Script Executor for scrolling in Web Apps
- 1 Setting Up Desired Capabilities for Native Apps
- 2 Gestures Automation Practical examples
- 1 Code for Mobile Browser capabilities
- 2 Exercises-Mobile Browser automation
- 3 Exercises-Chrome Web Browser automation
- 1 Handling objects when rendered in Web view
- 2 Exercises-Hybrid App automation
- 1 Creating Driver Manager for Android Driver
- 2 Creating Base Class for Reusablity of code
- 3 Creating Page/Activity Objects for Mobile Application
- 1 Maven Project Setup
- 2 Configuring Dependencies in Pom.xml
- 3 Base class,global properties and Page Object Implementation
- 4 Appium Setup with TestNG
- 5 TestNG Annotations and Data Provider
- 1 Logging and inspect stack with example
- 1 Jenkins Installation and Configuration
- 2 Jenkins Integration
- 1 Extent Reporting through Jenkins